10 Best TV Shows About Wrestling

4. Celebrity Deathmatch

Heels Starz

Believe it or not, Celebrity Deathmatch turns 25 years old next year.

MTV's legendary stop-motion animated series was effectively a parody of both celebrity culture and WWE's increasingly outrageous shenanigans during the Attitude Era, focused around a series of absurdly violent wrestling matches featuring celebrity caricatures.

It's certainly not high-brow entertainment, but who can't get a laugh out of watching Quentin Tarantino fight Spike Lee while Woody Allen serves as the guest referee?

Not everything in it has aged like fine wine, but between the relentless celebrity roasting and gloriously gory animation, this remains a high-point of MTV's edgy '90s output.

Back in 2018 MTV announced that a reboot was on the way with Ice Cube set to star and executive produce, though given that we've heard nary a peep since it's safe to say that it's been cancelled.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.