10 Best TV Shows About Wrestling


Heels Starz

Certainly the most stylish and brilliantly acted TV show about wrestling ever made, GLOW is a dramatisation of the 1980s women's wrestling outfit Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling (GLOW).

Netflix's dramedy series is at once a tribute to the pageantry and spectacle of wrestling and also the struggles faced by a troupe of young women attempting to break into a fundamentally male-dominated industry.

Alison Brie, Betty Gilpin, and Marc Maron lead a stellar ensemble cast in a show that so perfectly balances its tone between uproarious character-driven comedy and the genuine ache of women struggling to be seen and heard.

Even if you're not a wrestling fan there's a lot on offer here, but if you are - and, reading this, you almost certainly are - it becomes unmissable prestige TV.

Though GLOW was originally renewed for a fourth and final season, pandemic-related shutdowns infuriatingly caused it to be unceremoniously cancelled, robbing fans of a concrete conclusion.

Even so, that does nothing to detract from the brilliance packed into those three seasons we got.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.