10 Best WCW World Title Matches Ever

1. Sting vs. Ric Flair (The Great American Bash 1990)

Speaking of great chemistry, Sting and Ric Flair had it in abundance. It may be strange to imagine now, but this bout was treated as a watershed moment for the idea of having Flair on top of the company, and it was decided that Sting would be the man to lead the promotion through the new decade of the 90's. Flair had ruled the 80's, and the time felt right to crown his successor. The big title change had actually been booked for earlier in the year, but a legitimate knee injury to the Stinger meant that Lex Luger was installed as Flair's main challenger whilst the bleach-blonde babyface Sting was on the sidelines healing up. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cazcr_wcw-the-great-american-bash-1990-sting-vs-ric-flair_sport One of the absolute best title matches in NWA/WCW history, Sting vs. Ric Flair - taking place at The Great American Bash on July 7, 1990 - was well worth the wait, and fans were gripped by the action. Only adding further interest, Sting's knee injury was played into the story, and only made his victory feel even more momentous. Sting wouldn't necessarily be WCW's focal point of the 90's, especially once Hulk Hogan entered the picture, but this must surely go down as one of his biggest career moments. Beating Flair felt huge, and 'The Nature Boy' himself was a big fan of Sting's, making sure to put him over properly in one hell of a match. What other WCW Title matches do you fondly recall? Do you agree with the choices on this list? Let us know down in the comments below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.