10 Best WCW World Title Matches Ever

10. Sting vs. DDP (Nitro - April, 1999)

The latter years of WCW generally aren't look upon too fondly by many wrestling fans, but there were still some awesome matches taking place in the promotion, evidenced by a titanic battle between Sting and Diamond Dallas Page. Page was the reigning champion, and would hot shot the belt on one episode of Nitro on April 26, 1999. In a match set-up by Roddy Piper, DDP shockingly lost out to Sting in a fantastic bout, before he'd later regain the World Title in a four way match also involving Kevin Nash and Goldberg. This kind of thing was typical of WCW, flinging the most prestigious belt in the company around recklessly - worse yet, this was months before Vince Russo would join the promotion! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20i3n2_wcw-nitro-1999-sting-vs-dallas-page_sport Regardless of any controversy surrounding the title itself, DDP and Sting put together one hell of a match, one that's fascinating to look back on as a time when WCW were still right in the mix as one of the top wrestling companies in the world.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.