10 Best (Worst) Wrestling Horror Matches

8. Last Ride Match

For those occasions when a death metaphor is necessary but a casket simply isn't enough, there's the Last Ride match. Named after The Undertaker's erstwhile finishing move, the Last Ride match is similar to an Ambulance match in that the object is to throw an opponent into a vehicle and drive it out of the arena - only in this case, the vehicle in question is a hearse.

To date, there have only been two Last Ride matches, and it's doubtful that anyone is clamoring for more. The first, at No Mercy 2004, saw Undertaker challenge JBL for the WWE Championship. Undertaker was dominant, but Heidenreich interfered on JBL's behalf, knocking Undertaker out with chloroform and putting him in the casket. That wasn't enough to put Undertaker down for the count, but a further assault from Heidenreich and JBL allowed Paul Heyman to drive The Undertaker out of the arena, where Heidenrich subsequently drove a car into the hearse, causing an explosion.

The second match, which was better, saw Undertaker defeat Mr. Kennedy, marking the only time he ever drove a vehicle that wasn't a motorcycle or a limousine used to kidnap someone.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013