10 Best Wrestlers Under 30 (Who Don't Work For WWE)

5. Young Bucks

Young Bucks Ages: 29 (Matt) and 24 (Nick) When the Bucks first started picking up notoriety, they were mainly viewed as "modern day Hardy Boyz". They're brothers, and both teams had similar starts in the business, making their own promotions and building from there. There's even the similarity of both teams having an older brother named Matt, while the other member of the team seems set to be the bigger star one day. There have even been times throughout the years that the Bucks looked like the Hardyz, especially back when Matt and Jeff were younger. If you move to the current day, the Bucks have made a very strong case for being the best tag team in the world today. They haven't had a bad match in what seems to be years, and their high-flying style just seems so effortless and fluid. They've been showing up in promotions all over the globe, and they've been successful everywhere they've been. They're also "safe" and can succeed in a TV-PG environment, which is something one of the previous "best in the world" tag teams, the Briscoe Brothers, had working against them as far as signing to WWE is concerned. That can only bode well for them should WWE come sniffing around, trying to sign them. Even if they never reach that point, their work is more than worth going out of your way to check out. They have matches that are like roller coaster rides, where you're constantly being taken to new heights, and it's just a non-stop adrenaline rush from start to finish.
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Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.