10 Best Wrestlers In The World Today Over 40
10. Kane (49)

Kane is the weakest worker on this list, but he gets some bonus points for being the oldest at 49-years-old.
While Kane was never very fast, even in his prime, he’s among the slowest individuals in a major promotion right now. However, he still works hard and takes bumps with regularity, which at his age and after his career is quite impressive.
We’ll never see a four-star match from him again (did we ever?), or even likely a three-star affair, but a motivated Kane can still put on a decent match now and then. He’s far from embarrassing himself out there, and his character seems to be pretty much timeless.
While most wrestlers fade quickly from 40-50 in terms of in-ring ability, Kane wrestles roughly at the same level as he did a decade ago. At this point, it seems that he has at least a couple more years, and a few hundred chokeslams, left in him.