10 Best Wrestlers To Never Win WWE Intercontinental Title

3. Brock Lesnar

The Undertaker Ic

If Batista rode a rocket to the top of WWE, Brock Lesnar was strapped to a meteor. The former NCAA heavyweight wrestling champion debuted on Raw in March of 2002. In August, he defeated The Rock for the WWE Championship. Like Batista, Lesnar would never hold an undercard singles championship, but the antisocial "Beast" also abstained from tag team title glory - he's purely collected world titles during his career.

However, during his initial five-month run to greatness, Lesnar faced a stumbling block in the form of Rob Van Dam and the Intercontinental Championship. Lesnar handily defeated RVD at the 2002 King of the Ring PPV to win the titular tournament, but the following month at Vengeance, he faced Van Dam again - this time with the former ECW star's Intercontinental Title on the line.

Lesnar couldn't repeat his feat from the previous month. RVD hit him with the Five Star Frog Splash, and when he went for the cover, Paul Heyman pulled the referee out of the ring. That meant that Lesnar was disqualified, and while "The Beast" laid Van Dam out with an F5 after the match, he ultimately failed in his quest that evening.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013