10 Best Wrestlers Who Came Out Of The WCW Power Plant

7. Alex Wright

Alex Wright WCW

He's Alex Wright, "the German", and he'll knock your socks off with high-flying that'd make Rey Mysterio jealous. Well, not quite, but Alex (who totally should have had German rockers Die Toten Hosen's "Hier Kommt Alex" as his entrance tune) was one hell of a talent in the mid-90s.

Eric Bischoff, speaking via his '83 Weeks' podcast, has said repeatedly that he was enamoured by Wright's skills, and mentioned how high Ric Flair was on the young European too. He definitely belongs on any list looking at the best to come from WCW's Power Plant facility, if only for his 1994-1997 run.

Hell, he deserves it for that WCW Thunder video game rant alone. OK, enough YouTube vids, but what a promo.

After a promising start, Wright's star faded and he was playing the industrial, dark 'Berlyn' character by late-1999. When that didn't lead to much, he returned to teaming with Disco Inferno as a dancing duo and semi-retired when WCW went out of business.

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