10 Best Wrestlers Who Came Out Of The WCW Power Plant

5. Shane Helms

Shane Helms WCW

Eagle eyes may have spotted Shane Helms scampering around the Gorilla Position at WWE's Stomping Grounds recently. Working the Producer gig is a sweet role for Helms, and one he must be happy with considering his humble start in the industry. Back in the 90s, Shane was an indy regular before joining the Power Plant.

Looking back, he didn't really need to be there.

Helms was already an eight-year veteran by the time he joined WCW in 1999. After signing that May, he had to wait until December to debut alongside Shannon Moore and Evan Karagias as the boy band '3 Count'. It was an inauspicious start to life in the company for Helms, but he made the most of the gimmick before breaking away on his own as a stand out Cruiserweight.

He was the reigning WCW Cruiser Champ when WWE bought the remnants of his employer in 2001, and that meant Shane was McMahon-land bound. By the end of that year, he'd find more fame as OTT superhero The Hurricane. No WCW fan could begrudge him that success.

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