10 Best Wrestling Podcasts You Must Listen

1. MLW Radio

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MLW Radio

Hosted by former WWE writer Court Bauer, former WCW star Konnan, and the always-interesting Mister Saint Laurent, MLW Radio has been going strong for a number of years and still remains the premiere podcast in the wrestling world.

What makes the podcast so entertaining is not the breaking news or the booking knowledge that the three display but their chemistry. Each episode feels like three friends riding in a car and talking.

Court acts as the straight man and voice of reason while Konnan "goes to Iran" (you'll have to listen to figure out what that means) and delivers his uncensored and blunt opinions on everything related to wrestling and pop culture.

MSL also is his usual laid-back self but also seems to take enjoyment out of needling Konnan and riling up wrestling fans. Every show that features the three is usually crazy, hard to control, and hilarious while also being completely entertaining.

You'll find yourself looking forward to the new weekly episodes and combing the archives for past shows, like when MSL was put into Wrestler's Court for claiming to have been propositioned by a TNA Knockout at a party and turning her down.

MLW Radio has become so popular that they now have their own WrestleMania event: Walemania, a massive party that features a live broadcast of the show and A-list guests from the wrestling world.

So do yourself a favor and download the MLW Radio app, which also features the Jim Cornette Experience, so there's really nothing more to say.

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Ric Flair
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Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.