10 Best Wrestling PPV Matches (That Actually Were On Free TV)

7. Shawn Michaels Vs. Marty Jannetty (Raw, 1993)

Monday Night Raw was still its infancy when former tag team partners Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty put on a wrestling clinic in mid-1993 - and it's proof that the show had its moments even before it reached those angry teenage years.

HBK and the friend he launched through a barbershop window had a very personal score to settle. Throw in the Intercontinental Championship - a title the pair helped bring legitimacy, back when it was used as it should be: to elevate up-and-coming talent - and you've got all the ingredients of a pay-per-view match.

We got it on free television, and it was widely regarded as the best match WWE put on all year. Seriously, go and watch it. Now.
