10 Best Wrestling Whodunit Mysteries

5. Who Is Vince's Illegitimate Son?

Triple H Vince McMahon The Undertaker Higher Power

Only WWE could follow one storyline misadventure cancelled due to real-life events -- Vince McMahon's supposed death -- with a storyline misadventure completely overhauled due to real-life events -- the identity of Vince McMahon's illegitimate son.

For weeks, McMahon confronted various superstars with the possibility that he was their father. Undoubtedly the highlight of these encounters was when he told Cena "he very well might've done his mom" and Cena slapped him across the face for it.

The plan all along was to have Mr. Kennedy revealed as McMahon's son, complete with a big main event push, but Kennedy's involvement in a steroid scandal put the kibosh on that.

Then, for reasons only to be found in the catacombs of Vince's mind, instead of elevating someone else with the storyline -- like CM Punk, as Adam Blampied suggested -- Vince's lunatic sense of humor got involved, and Hornswoggle was revealed as the illegitimate son.

(Oh, but not before Vince could tease an incest angle between HHH and Stephanie, because Vince McMahon is socks-eating crazy.)

Although the reveal was a dud, the journey there was fairly entertaining.


Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.