10 Best Wrestling Whodunit Mysteries

4. Who Ran Over Austin?

Triple H Vince McMahon The Undertaker Higher Power

Sometimes, the mystery is elaborate, with twists and turns and wheels within wheels, an intricate Rube Goldberg device designed by a fiendish mastermind.

Other times, you run a guy over with your car and speed off.

At the Survivor Series 1999, Stone Cold Steve Austin was written off TV in dramatic fashion after being clobbered by a car.

Sadly, this would only be the first of two bait-and-switches involved in this event.

The first was advertising a triple threat with Steve Austin in it when they knew Austin couldn't compete. That's pretty scummy.

The second came when Rikishi was revealed as the driver of the car (on orders from HHH). After fans spent most of 2000 enjoying the slow-burn build of the whodunit, no one was happy with the reveal. Not even The Rock, for whom Rikishi had committed the dirty deed.

An amazing hook with great potential, this mystery led to one of the most ill-considered heel turns in history.


Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.