10 Best WWE Comeback Runs

7. The Rock (2013)

Shawn Michaels SummerSlam 2002

Putting (well-founded) complaints about the fact that a forty-something Hollywood part-timer was given the nod to compete in the WrestleMania 29 main event over a host of up-and-coming young WWE stars aside, you couldn't really fail to enjoy The Rock's 2013 mini-run.

Well, unless you were CM Punk anyway. It was the Straight Edge Superstar's 434-day WWE Championship reign that came to a crashing halt at the Royal Rumble, when The Great One swooped in to set up another once-in-a-lifetime showdown with John Cena at the Show of Shows.

It was completely predictable, yes, but it was also kind of amazing to see The Rock - who last competed in WWE on a regular basis in 2003, since which time he had become one of the biggest stars in film - back in the ring. As in, casually doing promos on Raw, just like the good old days.

Mainly, our grievances about this should really stem from the fact that the run was so short. There was so much more for the People's Champion to do, from having a rematch with CM Punk to bumping into The Shield (and cousin Roman) later on in the year.
