10 Best WWE Comeback Runs

6. Christian (2009 - 2014)

Shawn Michaels SummerSlam 2002

To call the beginning of Christian's second WWE run 'inauspicious' would be a grave understatement. After no build-up whatsoever, he interrupted a promo by Jack Swagger on a February episode of ECW - to which announcer Todd Grisham exclaimed "it's... it's Christian!".

Thanks to a combination of being stuck on Tuesday nights and injury, it would be a further 24 months before the Canadian - who had spent the preceding three-and-a-half years as one of the biggest stars in TNA - would actually start to realise his potential in the WWE main event.

But, to be fair, it was well worth the wait. Although his first World Heavyweight Championship reign was disappointingly brief (48 hours, to be precise), he fought one of the best feuds of 2011 alongside Randy Orton, matches that still rank among the greatest of his career.

Further injury troubles would later force him into a slightly premature retirement in 2014, but the five-year run that preceded it was something a lot of fans - fearing that he was destined to be an upper mid-carder forever - thought they'd never see.
