10 Best WWE Comeback Runs

4. Jeff Hardy (2006 - 2009)

Shawn Michaels SummerSlam 2002

Jeff Hardy's comeback run - beginning in August 2006, and ending a little over three years later when, seeking a lighter schedule, he decided to head for the Impact Zone - was perhaps the most satisfying of any featured on this list.

This is because his redemption story so poignantly blurred the lines between kayfabe and reality. In WWE storyline, Jeff had left the company three years earlier because he couldn't quite grab the brass ring, and in reality, he had been released because he couldn't be relied upon to show up for events.

What followed after he returned to the fray was a long and desperate pursuit of the WWE Championship, a title that many - both in and outside the business - had long believed would be ever-so-slightly out of the reach of a man who, for all his popularity, didn't seem to carry the same headline act "look" embodied by the likes of Randy Orton and John Cena.

But, in the end, he got it. In fact, not only did he win the WWE Title (at Armageddon 2008, in a triple threat with Edge and Triple H), he went on to win the World Heavyweight belt the following year after taking care of some personal trouble with brother Matt. It was, undoubtedly, the best 12 months Jeff has ever had.
