10 Best WWE Debuts Ever

3. Goldberg

It's incredibly hard to forget the debut of Goldberg - after all, he had just arrived with that legendary 173-0 streak in WCW still fresh in the memory. And his first night with the WWE was a hugely significant night in terms of the impact it had on the company. The Rock was hosting an appreciation night, and was typically sarcastic when addressing the crowd. He announced that he had done it all in the WWE, and was making his leave - claiming there were no challengers left for him. However, there was one challenger he didn't consider - cue the music. The camera panned to backstage, where Bill Goldberg was making his way out to the ring. The crowd noise rose to huge heights, and he emerged at ringside before making his way into the ring. He bellowed the words that sent shudders around the WWE at The Rock - "You're Next". A vicious spear and a statement well and truly made, Goldberg's debut was a hugely memorable night.

Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.