10 Best WWE Hardcore Champions

7. Jeff Hardy

No Mercy 2001

Jeff Hardy is one of the great hardcore wrestling exponents in WWE history and, alongside Mick Foley and to a lesser extent Rob Van Dam, one of just a handful to have made it all the way to the top of the card.

If you made a list of the most extreme moments the company has ever produced, the younger Hardy brother would probably feature in at least half of them - from getting broken in half by Edge during TLC II at WrestleMania X-Seven, to jumping off a production truck and onto Umaga years later. Neither of those incidents came during his time as Hardcore Champion, to be fair, but they are emblematic of the sort of attitude he embodied, something that was on display during his series of title bouts against RVD during the 2001 Invasion angle.

In total, Jeff wore the belt three times, for a total of just 18 days - and yet, he is responsible for at least two of the best three or four matches in its history. That makes him a strong contender for the best ever champion, and a prerequisite inclusion for a top 10 list such as this.

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Rob Van Dam
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