10 Best WWE PPV Matches Of 2019 (So Far)

3. WWE Title Chamber (Elimination Chamber)

WWE Elimination Chamber 2019 Daniel Bryan Kofi Kingston

The Elimination Chamber has had some magnificent underdog drama over the years. Remember Santino Marella's unlikely moment in 2012? How about Shawn Michaels coming back from career-threatening injury in 2002 to become World Champ? Oh yes, that Chamber can be one of WWE's most valuable storytelling tools.

It was again in 2019.

Fans in Houston were chewing fingernails and holding onto each other at the prospect of a Kofi Kingston victory that had suddenly become the most wanted item on fan wishlists. Most knew they'd likely have to wait for it to happen, but there was also a gnawing fear that WWE might not pull the trigger at all. That made the Chamber main event in February a total cracker.

The atmosphere was red hot, and Kofi played his role perfectly as a babyface hero who refused to die. That flustered the champion Daniel Bryan and, admittedly, made everyone else involved a bit-part player by default. It had to be that way, especially because of where the story turned next.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.