10 Best WWE Promos Of 2018
7. Roman Reigns Lays Into Brock Lesnar (Raw - 26 February)
Sure, WWE ground this one into the dust by presenting effectively the same thing (a good old Roman Reigns whinge) every week for what seemed like months on end. Yes, Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar is an issue that's been overused. No, Roman isn't the one to blame for that.
All he could do was deliver the finest promos of his career like he did on the 26 February Raw.
Reigns' job here was to call out WWE management for protecting Brock's dismissive attitude towards the weekly product. In doing so, he couldn't use ill-advised comedy of old ("Suffering succotash, son") or waver whatsoever. Instead, he had to keep his eyes straight and bellow his biggest points.
By the time he criticised Lesnar for chilling with Dana White and the UFC gang in Vegas when he should have been at Elimination Chamber, then said he neither respected Brock nor feared "that bitch", Reigns had the crowd in the palm of his hands.