10 Best WWE Royal Rumble Final Fours

5. 1992 (Ric Flair, Sid Justice, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage)

Final Four
WWE Network

Classic Rumbles carry a real dose of charm, especially in the early 1990s when the Royal Rumble was still a relatively fresh event. So many story arcs and subplots had yet to be explored.

In this instance, it was Ric Flair achieving victory and the WWF Championship from the number #3 position. Flair became the prototype Ironman, turning out a performance only few would ever replicate.

The crown jewel of the NWA/WCW in the 1970s and 1980s, The Nature Boy was certainly a favorite to win the ’92 Rumble. Although, few gave him much chance after coming in so early. There just was no precedent for such a feat. With a stacked roster at the helm, it’s no surprise the final four featured household names in Flair, Hulk Hogan, Sid Justice and Randy Savage. Not only this, but the match had at least half a dozen plausible winners, which was inconceivable in the Hulkamania days.

Flair’s endurance became the match’s prime focus - although it was his ability to lay low and thwart elimination time after time, whilst other stars controlled further key moments, that added to the drama and made Flair’s accomplishment all the more significant. The closing spot was vintage Flair as well, capitalizing on Hogan’s tantrum against Sid in the sneakiest of fashions, which only endeared him to the crowd even more.

Story of his career.


Aussie Wrestling fan who's hell bent on watching every RAW and Smackdown from 2004 onwards because why not. I'm a fiend for mediocre wrestlers who loves throwing out an opinion. Get around me fellas!!!