10 Best WWE Stories Told On Steve Austin’s Podcast

8. "Always Let Hogan Pay" (Big Show)

big show hulk hogan

Did you know: Big Show is deathly terrified of being called a "freeloader" by his peers in wrestling, and that's why he'll often made damn sure to pay his fair share of the bill whenever he's out at bars or restaurants. That's a good thing, though others didn't always agree with Show's outlook.

This is cheating and stretching the "WWE stories" tag a bit, but it does involve former/future WWE stars, so let it slide. Back in his WCW days, The Giant (Show) was hauled aside by a concerned Randy Savage. 'Macho' wanted to know why the newcomer was footing the bill when Hulk Hogan was around.

His advice was, "Always let Hogan pay".

It was well-know that Hulk was raking in the cash amongst the locker room backstage, and people didn't mind letting Hogan pick up a tab when they were out. Hell, it was probably on some Ted Turner-approved credit card anyway, right? Right!?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.