10 Best WWE Tag Teams Of The 2000s

6. Rated RKO

Despite only teaming for about half a year from 2006-2007, Rated RKO made a lasting impression on the WWE Universe. Edge and Randy Orton originally teamed up to 'get rid of' DX after the terrible twosome had cost Edge his last shot at John Cena's WWE Title in September 2006. Despite their obvious popularity, many fans cheered on Rated RKO's attempts to take out the juvenile and played-out DX. Rated RKO and DX feuded throughout the end of 2006 and into January 2007 when the two teams clashed at New Year's Revolution in a match famous for Triple H tearing his squad, Orton's OTT blade job and Shawn Michaels match-saving efforts after Trips went down with the injury. Orton and Edge, two bona fide singles stars, were a formidable duo and sporadically teamed and feuded following their breakup in May 2007. During the short time they changed they looked like the could go on to become one of the greatest tag teams of all time.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...