10 Better Ways WWE Could Utilise The British Fanbase

7. Understand British Culture Better

The WWE is an American company. It gets American culture, as it is native to the company. However, when they hop across the pond twice a year, things often get lost in translation. How many times have we rolled our eyes when an American voice has informed us that the WWE is coming to "Glass-cow, Scotland" or "Birming-Ham, England"? Or when a black London cab is displayed on the stage at a TV taping in Liverpool? There have been occasions when the WWE have got it spectacularly wrong when trying to endear themselves to local fans in the UK. In the United States, if, say, they are doing a show in Anaheim, then a babyface can get an easy pop by coming out wearing an Anaheim Ducks ice hockey shirt. There are no other NHL teams in the immediate area, so it's a safe option. However, it's different in the UK. There was a time when Stacy Keibler came out, with a huge smile on her face, wearing a Manchester United shirt during a Raw taping in Manchester. She almost got booed out of the building and her smile quickly disappeared, to be replaced by confusion. But in Manchester, there are two Premier League teams, Manchester United and Manchester City, plus there's Liverpool and Everton 30 miles up the road as well. But the WWE never understand this and so end up getting the 'wrong' reactions at shows. Their best bet is for someone to come out wearing an England football shirt, as opposed to a local team. Also, please note that we don't live in castles, and eat a far wider diet than roast beef and fish & chips. I also speak for most Brits reading this article when I say that I have never had friends round for tea and crumpets.

Dean Ayass is a well known name to British wrestling fans. A commentator, manager, booker and ring announcer who has been involved in the business since 1993, Dean's insight into the business is second to none.