10 Big Concerns Over Daniel Bryan's WWE Return

2. Can He Be The WWE Champion?

The WWE fans will be unequivocal in what they want in the next few months - Daniel Bryan as WWE Champion. Many people reading this article will say YES! YES! YES! But can he the 33 year old really become the WWE Champion in 2015? Can he really be "the guy" this year? The concern is that there's no natural spot for Bryan on the card right now. John Cena is going to be the same old Cena this year. Roman Reigns is the heir apparent. Seth Rollins is a really big player and seems likely to be the heel champion at varying points. Then you have Wyatt, Ambrose, Ziggler and all the other upper mid carders who will interchange into main events. Fitting Daniel Bryan in as WWE Champion could be difficult. A Mania 31 run against a WWE Champion Seth Rollins could work well. But beyond that, how would Bryan really work as Champion? It's hard to see long term potential in a title run. He'd likely feud with Bray Wyatt over the belt in the summer, but where would that leave Cena and Reigns? There's three huge babyfaces at the start of 2015, and accommodating them all is going to be tricky. Cena could always go heel and have a famous feud with Bryan... but don't hold your breath on that one. Conversely, if WWE did make Bryan the champion, would he be able to live up to the belt, or would it be more like Shawn Michaels in 1996.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.