10 Big Concerns Over Daniel Bryan's WWE Return

3. Is His Confidence Shot?

Daniel Bryan had a lot to deal with in 2014. His entire world was rocked and he had no comfort zone. He went from upper midcarder to main event star in a matter of months, having the pressure of being the main star thrusted upon him. His personal world was also in upheaval, with his marriage to Brie and death of his father happening in the same month. Then came the injury. His personal world and professional world were out of control. It had to have some impact upon his confidence. From his point of view, everything after Mania had been a bit of a disaster. It seems harsh to say it, but he was a failure as champion. Even before his injury, the entire first month of his reign was awful. The feud with Kane was WWE's fault, but Bryan would've been blaming himself. At the end of the day, as champ, the buck stops with you. After so long out, he'll also have that nervousness to deal with. Can he still go, has he he still got it? Those questions will be running through his head. He might even freeze when faced with certain bumps, remembering the pain of his eight month rehab. The physical concern for Bryan is a given. The mental concern should not be ignored - his confidence could be very low after so long out and after seeing his post-Mania dreams destroyed.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.