10 Big Concerns Over Daniel Bryan's WWE Return

4. The Relationship With Brie Bella

Daniel Bryan is married to Brie Bella in real life. However, they are not a good fit when WWE puts them on television together. The chemistry just isn't there, mainly because they're both limited as actors when required to ham it up in scenes like Kane kidnapping Brie. A concern for Bryan's comeback would be that WWE try to revive the on screen partnership with Brie. WWE probably think it'd work as a modern day Macho Man and Elizabeth. But the truth is that both Daniel and Brie look uncomfortable on air. You get the feeling that they'd rather keep the public displays of affection to private. If WWE does put Brie back with Bryan, it will be a stain on his popularity. He functions better as a solo star. Just like Debra was unnatural to the Stone Cold persona, Brie is unnatural to the Bryan persona. It didn't matter that Debra was with Austin in real life, and it doesn't matter that Brie is with Bryan in real life - the chemistry of the real people doesn't equal chemistry for WWE characters. Let's all hope that Daniel doesn't have Brie accompanying him to the ring.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.