10 Big Talking Points From WWE Raw (Aug 29)

4. Much Ado About Nothing

triple h kevin owens

At the top of the 10:00 hour, Stephanie McMahon came out to address Brock Lesnar's attack on Shane McMahon and the subsequent penalty (a $500 fine) that she had levied. She didn't get very far, though, before she was interrupted by Paul Heyman.

Stephanie was angry at Heyman's interjection, but that didn't stop Brock Lesnar's advocate from continuing to rub her the wrong way. He was condescending to the Raw Commissioner, then started paying Lesnar's fine - in one dollar bills.

A furious Stephanie slapped the cash out of Heyman's hands, then started screaming at him, threatening to fire him and leave him to explain to his children why he can't provide for him. After that, Heyman seemed to change his tune, talking about how he and Lesnar both recognized that Stephanie was the sole heir to WWE and they respected her.

So what was the point of this? It doesn't seem like there was one. It was just an excuse to have Heyman acknowledge Lesnar's angle and kill some time. Nothing was advanced, and even Heyman's promo (which was well-delivered) didn't say anything. Clearly, the title match got the lion's share of the creative team's thought this week.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013