10 Big WWE Problems WrestleMania Season Will Expose

6. The Unnecessary February Show

On way too many occasions, the February PPV ends up existing just for the sake of it. The same is true this year, with most of the WrestleMania foreshadowing already done. The problem for WWE, is that this unnecessary booking can sometimes force Mania season to feel like a stretch. Too many shows and false messages of importance is a turn off. No one really believes that Fastlane is going to matter, there's no real 'Mania implications to it. Shows should always have a meaning, but in the shadow of the Rumble and 'Mania, Fastlane is just another night. What WWE would be better doing, is having future WrestleMania shows in March. That's what they used to do, with the more concise run feeling fluid and entertaining.
WWE Writer

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