10 Biggest Backstabbers In WWE History

5. Shawn Michaels


This one shouldn't be a shock to anyone. His name is literally the 'Heartbreak Kid'...

Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty were together for three years (in WWE canon) and they had a decent run. Fans enjoyed The Rockers and their exciting style of wrestling, as well as the character work that both men put forward.

However, all good things must come to an end.

Following genuine heat between the two men, HBK superkicked Jannetty and threw him through the window at Brutus Beefcake's Barbershop, cementing his heel turn and pushing him towards a white-hot heel run. Michaels was displayed as the villain during this story and the fans absolutely despised him for this.

This initial betrayal seemed to fuel HBK's passion for attacking his former friends, as he would go on to turn on several more superstars in the future.

It could be argued that he betrayed Bret Hart in 1997, as part of the Montreal Screwjob - although this was a real-life situation that spilt over on to live programming. Also, this was heavily influenced by Vince McMahon.

Eight years later, Michaels turned on a beloved fan favourite again, this time by attacking Hulk Hogan. The 'Hulkster' and HBK had formed a tag team earlier in the year, garnering success and support from the fans, until Michaels hit a superkick on Hogan on the 4 July episode of Raw.

Michaels' untrustworthy tendencies were clear from his initial attack on Jannetty all the way back in 1991 and, with the inclusion of the Montreal Screwjob, he earns himself a place higher on this list.


A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.