10 Biggest Backstabbers In WWE History

4. Seth Rollins


'The Architect', 'The Kingslayer', 'The Man's Man'.

For a long time, before he earned any of these laurels, Seth Rollins was just a member of one of the most dominant stables in WWE history.

The Shield ran amok through the WWE roster for a little under two years, which seems incredibly short, given the achievements that all three men gathered during their careers.

In just two years, the three 'brothers' captured the Tag Team Championships, along with Ambrose's record for being the longest-reigning United States Champion (under the WWE banner). The success that the team gathered was inarguable; they worked harder than most on the roster. However, just as everything seemed too good to be true for the Shield brothers, having just vanquished Evolution, things went awry.

Triple H appeared in front of the trio, stating that he always had a 'Plan B'. Suddenly, Rollins drew a chair on his 'brothers' and dismantled the team from within. The WWE Universe in attendance were completely shocked, as the betrayal came totally out of the left field.

It had seemed inevitable that The Shield would split, as is the case with many tag teams and stables in WWE. However, this brutal attack came from out of nowhere, with no real build-up. This attack and subsequent heel turn from Rollins will go down in history as one of the most shocking. However, it also could be argued that it jump-started the rise of the careers of each of the three men.


A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.