10 Biggest Ever WrestleMania Screw-Jobs

5. The Audience Is Forced To Endure Bret Hart Vs Mr McMahon (WrestleMania 26)

Bret Hart is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. This is a cast iron fact that very few fans would dispute. He has also had some of the greatest 'WrestleMania moments' of all time, including competing in one of the greatest wrestling matches of all time: the 60-minute Iron Man match at Mania 12 against Shawn Michaels. Sadly, 'the Montreal Screw-job', as it became known, cast a long and dark shadow over the rest of Hart's career. The details of this highly controversial moment have gone down in wrestling folklore and don't bear repeating here, but suffice it to say that after Survivor Series 1997, Bret Hart left the WWE on horrendous terms with Vince McMahon and HBK. Therefore, whenever Bret made his return to WWE television in January 2010 by hosting Monday Night Raw (the first time he'd made an appearance on that show in 12 years), fans were happy that McMahon and Hart must have buried the hatchet. However, Vince McMahon is not one to pass up the potential to make money, and so he engaged in a storyline feud with Hart that led up to a No Holds Barred match at Wrestlemania 26, guest refereed by Bret's brother Bruce. What followed was a travesty; a 11-minute long debacle in which Bret and other members of the Hart Dynasty (including Tyson Kidd and Natalya) beat Vince into submission. It wasn't entertaining and it certainly didn't give the audience a sense that Bret had been vindicated or even exacted revenge. In the end, it was simply one old guy beating an even older guy with a chair. Not cool.

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