10 Biggest Heat Magnets In Wrestling Right Now
8. The Young Bucks

The Young Bucks built their entire, transformative act around generating heat within wrestling circles.
After a dud of a TNA run, in which they were deliberately stigmatised as Hardy Boyz knockoffs, right down to an abbreviated break-up angle, they arrived at a career crisis. They were a dead act on TV, working a genre deemed dead where the money was, and they had developed a stigma as brats who didn't respect the business. WWE's Booker T and TNA's Rob Van Dam expressed as much to the public.
They leaned in on this reputation, hard, and reinvented themselves as obnoxious meta heels who wore sh*t-eating grins as they got their sh*t in.
True to form, they're still generating heat all these years later.
CM Punk hates the pair of them, evidently. He lamped Matt Jackson. They're still pissing off the usual old school heads. Also, FTR can't be happy with them, either, after a mooted Tag Team title unification match was dropped in favour of the inaugural Trios tournament. This follows an almost certain backstage war between the Elite and a Punk/FTR faction.
The Bucks are also extremely well-liked in several circles, for giving so many of "the boys" paydays, but that passion goes in the other direction, too.