10 Biggest High Profile WWE Squash Matches Ever
3. Ultimate Warrior Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley - WrestleMania XII
Getting squashed in a minute and a half in your WrestleMania debut can't bode well for a career to come. Not only that, but managing to hit your brutal finishing move along the way only to have it completed ignored compounds that fear. This is exactly what happened to the man we know as Triple H, way back at WrestleMania XII.
His opponent was he returning Ultimate Warrior, and Hunter was the mid-card heel designated to take the squash on that night in 1996. Hunter attacks straight away before Warrior can take his coat off, kicking him in the gut and hitting the Pedigree right in the middle of the ring.
Warrior merely shook it off, popped up, got his two or three moves in an put his foot on Hunter for the 1-2-3. It could have been the end for HHH, but he seemed to do okay in the end.