10 Biggest Holy Sh*t Moments From WWE WrestleMania 37 Night 1

5. Bad Bunny’s Destroyer

Braun Strowman Shane McMahon

Someone needs to shake The Miz and John Morrison by the hand then give both a medal. They played a huge role in Bad Bunny's fruitful wrestling debut. The heels were composed, picked their spots to relay info and even did everything they could to make Damian Priest seem like a bad ass too.

Bunny was the star of the show though, and one spot in particular grabbed attention.

His Destroyer on John Morrison outside the ring was one of WrestleMania's most .GIF-tastic moments. Of course, JoMo flipped over like a pro for the rapper, but Bunny still had to do his bit. The fact he tumbled over so flawlessly speaks to the training he surely put in for months pre-match.

WWE left nothing to chance in this pre-main event tag. All of Bad Bunny's moves were carefully laid out, orchestrated and then executed with minimum fuss. That Destroyer is the kind of thing that'll be replayed for years.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.