10 Biggest Lies In Wrestling
7. Adding A Few Inches

Wrestlers are quite often massive human beings. But promoters want to make them seem even bigger than they really are. Despite the internet letting us easily debunk all of these claims, companies still keep on with their silly exaggerations.
Looking at the past for a few examples, Kevin Nash was often billed as being 7 feet tall, which is only a couple of inches off. Hogan was built up a couple inches as well, same with pretty much every giant athlete that a promoter ever laid eyes on. And believe it or not, Andre the Giant was not quite the mass of humanity he was hyped up as at 7 foot 4. That height was only exaggerated by five inches...which is actually quite a bit. In old interviews with Andre, Vince McMahon even had The Giant stand on a box to look bigger!
Vince has also hid the height of smaller wrestlers like Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero, just to name a few. He may have thought that if they were shorter than a segment of the fanbase, then perhaps they wouldn’t be taken as seriously. That was likely only an issue in his own head; one that has never been resolved.