8. Crash And Hardcore Holly Mess Up At WrestleMania
There's messing up a promo at WrestleMania, and then there's messing up the finish of a match at WrestleMania. The Holly cousins, Crash and Hardcore, found themselves in that very scenario in 2000. One of the messiest matches in 'Mania history was capped off by one of the worst finishes, as Hardcore smashed a candy jar over Crash's head and covered him as the match's time limit expired. The original plan was to have time run out just before the referee could count three, but Hardcore covered Crash far too early and clearly had him beat. The younger Holly didn't kick out at all, but the ref refused to count the three and signalled that Crash had retained his Hardcore Championship. As the crowd booed in confusion and Crash bailed to the entrance ramp, somebody in the back must have improvised, because Howard Finkel subsequently announced that Hardcore was the new champion. Everybody - including the new champ - looked confused, none moreso than poor Crash. Especially funny here is the utter lack of conviction with which Fink announces the result. "Here is your winner, and NEW Hardcore Champion...Hardcore...Holly..." http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4ycbc_15-minute-hardcore-title-battle-roy_sport