10 Biggest Stories From IMPACT's Slammiversary And What They Mean Going Forward

2. Sami Callihan Loses His Hair

Sami Callihan spent most of last year becoming the most despised wrestler in all of IMPACT thanks to his injurious attack on and subsequent fallout with Eddie Edwards. Now, he's spent much of 2018 with his sights set on the man with "cero miedo", Pentagon Jr. Together with Jake and Dave Crist, Sami has attempted on numerous occasions to abscond with Pentagon's mask and even came close to stealing his brother Fenix’s at one point.

With their feud becoming increasingly personal, a mask versus hair challenge was laid out for Slammiversary. There the two men brawled and battled both inside the ring and out, employing various weapons throughout. At one point, Callihan literally salivated and drooled with glee as he dug a metal spike into Pentagon’s forehead. Still, the popular luchador would not quit. Instead, Pentagon proceeded to break Callihan’s arm before delivering a package piledriver to score the win. Callihan was then rid of not only his precious hair but also his hopes of capturing Pentagon’s mask.

While the bad blood will surely remain, their battle felt like a true finality to the feud. While Callihan is wholly unpredictable and capable of striking back at any time, he and his oVe boys will likely shift their attention elsewhere but exactly who fall in their sights is not yet known. Meanwhile, Pentagon Jr. -- who previously came just shy of capturing Aries’ coveted World belt -- may return to that quest. Or perhaps he and his brother Fenix could insert themselves into the ongoing LAX skirmish in an attempt to steal away the tag titles while the warring factions are distracted by their own hatred.


Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.