10 Biggest Storyline Mysteries Of The WWE PG Era

4. What Was The Nexus' "Bigger Picture"?

Nexus II

The Nexus storyline was one of the more interesting of the PG Era. It involved the main roster invasion of the NXT: Season 1 rookies and their path of destruction throughout the entire WWE.

One of the more intriguing elements of the storyline was the mention of a "Bigger Picture". Nexus leader, Wade Barrett often stated that the Nexus invasion of WWE was part of a "Bigger Picture" during every single promo. What this "Bigger Picture" was, or who it was, for that matter, started wild rumours, with the suggestion of Triple H, The Miz or even Michael Cole being the one behind The Nexus.

However, following SummerSlam 2010 and Team WWE defeating Team Nexus in the main event, the direction of the Nexus storyline was drastically changed. John Cena was forced to join Nexus in the months to come, meaning the focus of the storyline became solely about Cena rather than anything to do with a "Bigger Picture".

Following the Cena storyline, Nexus slowly fizzled out. The faction broke up, which led to CM Punk taking over the group to form The New Nexus. Barrett, on the other hand, formed the infamous stable, The Corre. The WWE audience sadly never found out what the "Bigger Picture" was.


Brad Preston hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.