10 Biggest WrestleMania Lies

6. Saying People Main Evented Shows They Did Not

For most WWE fans, they know that the last match on the show is the main event. In WWE's mind, though, other big matches can be considered the main event. It's their way to tell the fans that other matches are important too. Let's be honest, though. The main event is last. Anything else that is said isn't true. If you watch WrestleMania broadcasts over the years you can hear WWE trying to spout off different things about wrestlers competing in multiple main events. At WrestleMania 20, beloved Hall of Fame announcer Jim Ross pointed out that it was Shawn Michaels€™ 11th WrestleMania and his 6th WrestleMania main event. Six? He wrestled in the last match at 12 and 14. At 11 he wrestled for the World Title, but it wasn€™t the last match. At 10 and 19 he had two amazing matches, but they weren€™t considered main events. All the other matches prior to that were when he was a midcarder or as part of The Rockers. Michaels did have main events after that, but up to 2004 he really only had three. It was a huge reach to say that this was his sixth main event. Sorry JR. We know he was just doing what he was told. He€™s still the best announcer ever.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.