10 Biggest Wrestling Crimes WWE Committed In 2016

6. Rendering The Best Of 7 Series Ultimately Meaningless

Bayley Tyler Breeze

Sheamus and Cesaro may be different in terms of the characters they play on television, one being heel and the other babyface, however they also have something in common. Namely, both guys hit hard during their matches and are fine pro wrestlers to watch. It's rare to see either guy deliver a dull match on programming.

Locking horns in a 'Best Of 7 Series' over the Summer, such an angle should have been a blessing for Cesaro and Sheamus. Sadly, WWE decided to scrap the idea after Clash Of Champions. Instead of deciding a winner after the pair went to a no contest, Mick Foley meekly offered up a suggestion that they should form a tag-team.

Admittedly, Sheamus and Cesaro have made the best of a bad situation. Now Raw Tag-Team Champs, they're an entertaining duo. That comes despite being let down by some seriously shoddy booking.

The writing team really needed to establish an alpha male between both guys, rather than having them effectively fight 7 times without a satisfying conclusion.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.