10 Biggest Wrestling Crimes WWE Committed In 2016

5. Undoing All Of John Cena's Good Work With The United States Title

Bayley Tyler Breeze

As much as some inconsequential reigns badly let the WWE Intercontinental Title down, at least The Miz has been a strong heel champion when holding the belt. By comparison, the United States Title has been carelessly treated by those calling the shots. For evidence of that, you need only examine 2015.

Remember those 'Open Challenge' segments involving John Cena? Not only did they give Cena something fresh to do, they also opened the door to guys like Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens to hit the main roster and become instantly recognisable. For example, Owens was that guy who took Cena to the limit.

Contrastingly, 2016 opened with Kalisto beating Alberto Del Rio on January 11. Mere days later on SmackDown, the masked man fell to Del Rio, before once again recapturing the title at Royal Rumble on January 24.

Rusev did provide some stability, yet he was never booked as truly dominating with the belt. The first time he came up against a huge name, Roman Reigns, he wilted. All Cena's hard work, making the title shine, was for nothing in the end.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.