10 Biggest Wrestling Crimes WWE Committed In 2016

4. Booking Dean Ambrose To Look Like A Jobber Against Brock Lesnar

Bayley Tyler Breeze

One major argument against Bill Goldberg's dissection of Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series came when some pointed out who Brock had destroyed himself earlier in the year. At SummerSlam, Lesnar was written to demolish Randy Orton in a bloody brawl, one so violent that even Chris Jericho worried for Randy's health.

Looking like a monster, Brock had also swept through a helpless Dean Ambrose at WrestleMania 32. Looking back, the fact Ambrose barely mustered a sustained attack against Lesnar must be considered a mistake. For the 'No Holds Barred Street Fight' to work, Ambrose needed to go gung-ho against his larger opponent.

Dean's frustration was evident during a chat with Steve Austin for the WWE Network in August. Apparently, WWE believed the best way to prepare Ambrose for a run with the WWE Title through the Summer was to have Brock Lesnar, the same man a returning Goldberg would run roughshod over, completely annihilate him.

Although retrospect makes things easy, the 'Mania battle should really have done more for Dean Ambrose.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.