10 Biggest Wrestling Fan Overreactions Of 2017

1. Assuming AJ Styles Would Drop The Title Right Away

Owens Zayn Bryan

After AJ Styles surprisingly won the WWE Championship on the Nov 7 SmackDown in Manchester, England, the initial reaction was a favourable one. The second was rather more pessimistic, as it was assumed that Styles was going to lose the title within a matter of weeks to allow Jinder Mahal to go on December’s India tour as WWE Champion.

Many thought the company was using the title change to set up Styles vs Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series - before reverting back to having Jinder Mahal regain the championship, and head to New Delhi with the title in tow.

In fairness, there was logic behind the thinking – having Mahal reign as champion for half the year, only to then bail on the big Indian homecoming so late in the day didn’t seem to make a ton of sense.

Then again, when did making sense have anything to do with it?

In another case whereby fans are likely pleased to see they might’ve initially overreacted, Styles didn’t lose his title right away. A scheduled rematch was postponed until Night of Champions on Dec 17 – over a week after the India tour – silencing those mutterings that Styles could be in line for a criminally short run in his second reign as Champion. Plus, Styles won at the PPV anyway, submitting Mahal in the middle of the ring after kicking out of the Khallas, in as about as decisive a finish as you could imagine.

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Daniel Bryan
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