10 Biggest Wrestling Fan Overreactions Of 2017

2. Kurt Angle’s Return

Owens Zayn Bryan

From seemingly out of nowhere, TLC 2017 became the scene for Kurt Angle’s first WWE match in over 11 years. Angle had been drafted in as an 11th-hour replacement following a bout of the mumps that had sidelined Roman Reigns and the response – as you might expect – was a positive one.

UK daily tabloid the Mirror even picked this one up, reporting that "fans can’t wait" and that "Twitter has gone crazy with the news." But once the buzz from that nostalgia high wore off, we were hit with the stark reality that this wasn’t the same Kurt Angle of old. This was a Kurt Angle approaching his 50s, and who’d had multiple neck surgeries over the years - rendering him a very different performer.

And while it’s great that he was able – both physically and mentally – to make a return in the first place, all that hype felt a little overzealous. At TLC, though the match was a good one and he showed flashes of his old self, that was at least in part due to the help of the seven other participants, while in his follow-up match at Survivor Series his leg was taped up so badly he was having difficulty walking.

Add in the fact that the whole thing was rather hurriedly assembled, and this didn’t quite end up being the glorious return that Twitter had been going "crazy" for.

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Daniel Bryan
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