10 Biggest Wrestling Fan Overreactions Of 2017

5. Enzo Amore’s Backstage Heat

Owens Zayn Bryan

In early 2017, audiences couldn’t get enough of Enzo Amore - but come the end of the year, they’d soured on him somewhat.

With his wrestling as basic as it had always been, and his mic work as brazen as ever, it’s difficult to pin the fall from favour on anything other than the reports of the backstage heat he'd garnered.

In mid-July, the Wrestling Observer reported that Amore had upset people backstage following a mystery incident that saw him kicked off a tour bus. And, just like we'd seen with the Paige situation, there were plenty who quickly assumed that Amore’s days with WWE could be numbered.

Again, though, that talk proved to be an overreaction.

It’s almost as if the company channeled that alleged "heat" into turning Amore heel and making him the new star of the Cruiserweight division. Admittedly, that could be perceived as a step-down, but with him now two-months deep into his second reign as champion and having given the division a breath of fresh air, he’s arguably in a better position than ever.

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