10 Biggest Wrestling Fan Overreactions Of 2017

4. Nia Jax’s Walkout

Owens Zayn Bryan

In October of this year, news of Nia Jax’s leave of absence was somehow warped into a full-blown walkout from the company.

The truth of the matter was that Jax had taken a brief break for some downtime and to heal up - yet there were rumblings that she’d stormed out amidst unhappiness over her handling and after her cousin, the Rock, had advised her to leave. And in what's starting to become something of a running theme, that news seemingly affected fan’s opinions, with many criticising her for letting her ego get the better of her.

Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer later noted that the whole story had been "overblown" whilst debunking all that talk of a rift or a stormout. And low and behold, within a couple of weeks, she was back in the picture and included on Raw’s Survivor Series team.

Criticism of Jax and her "ego" suddenly seemed a little rash and the initial reaction a hasty one. Although, in fairness, this whole situation was a result of a misleading story, as opposed to fans simply turning on Jax for no good reason.

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Daniel Bryan
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