10 Biggest Wrestling Fan Overreactions Of 2017

3. Kevin Owens And Sami Zayn's Heat

Owens Zayn Bryan

Is there anybody who hasn’t had "heat" this year?

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens were sent home from November's European tour for what was described in the Wrestling Observer as "selfishness on the part of the two by some people and a misunderstanding that got out of control by others," prompting widespread speculation that the two had fallen out of favour.

As such – and combined with the fact that this is WWE we’re talking about, the same WWE who suspended Titus O’Neil for 60 days for playfully showing Vince McMahon – fans started fearing the worst. And those fears admittedly got a little out of hand, with some even speculating (not for the first time) that the pair may be fired for their actions on the tour.

Thankfully though, the whole firing malarkey proved to be no more than a miscommunication. Owens and Zayn returned to TV right away, picking up where they left off in their feud with Shane McMahon. They even then went on to win their tag match against Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura at Clash of Champions in which their jobs were supposedly on the line.

So much for being in the doghouse…

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Daniel Bryan
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