10 Biggest WWE Royal Rumble Disasters

5. One-Minute Intervals - 1995

batista royal rumble

Though it’s rarely an exact science, the Rumble usually at least attempts to stick to bringing out new participants every couple of minutes or so.

However, in 1995 we saw a slight deviation from the norm, as the company experimented with one-minute intervals for the first time in the event’s history. And the results weren’t particularly spectacular.

Given the amount of jobber fodder in the match, it seems like the intention might’ve been to increase the pace of the Rumble match so as to distract us from the fact that guys like Mantaur were competing for a shot at the WWF Title at WrestleMania. That frenzied pace led to seven guys, or almost a quarter of the field, putting in stints of less than 25 seconds, while the unusual timing saw a third of the participants still in the ring by the time the no. 30 entrant was called out.

Ultimately, the one-minute interval experiment produced the shortest-ever Rumble match at just 38 minutes and 41 seconds, and though that meant that Shawn Michaels was able to win after entering at no. 1, to essentially cut the Rumble match in half just felt rather underwhelming.


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